Update Account
The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) would like to thank you for your participation in the peer review process for the CAND Journal (CANDJ). Your assistance helps us to maintain the high quality of articles published in the Journal.
We recommend that all reviewers update their profile frequently to ensure the system is up to date with their most current contact information and reviewing interests. Keeping reviewing interests up to date ensures that reviewers are matched to manuscripts based on their expertise and improves their chances of being invited to review manuscripts.
Log in to your account at https://candjournal.ca/index.php/candj/login. Once signed in, go to the very upper right-hand corner of the user dashboard, and scroll over the person icon and select “Edit Profile” from the pull-down menu. On the profile page, go to the “Roles” tab. Enter (or update) your reviewing interests and save.