Promote Your Work

You worked hard to write, edit, collaborate, revise, respond to peer reviewers and copy editors. You’ve approved the galleys and signed your copyright transfer agreement.

Now that your article is going into publication, you want it to get broad reach and interest from readers, and increase the impact, value, and contribution of your work.

The CAND Journal (CANDJ) is committed to working with you to ensure your article reaches as broad an audience as possible. We’ve compiled our top tips for you to promote your article, keeping in mind our publication timelines (including embargo periods before publication), guidelines, and copyright.

What You Can Do As an Author

Leading Up to Publication:

  • Tease your social media followers with your article’s title or a blurb about the topic of your research/writing.

After Publication:

  • Email the DOI link to your article to colleagues, authors you reference in your article, collaboration networks, and journal clubs.
  • Update your professional profiles (e.g. LinkedIn, ResearchGate, ORCID, Google Scholar, Mendeley, institutional/faculty pages, etc.) with a link to your article.
  • Include a summary of your article and the DOI link in a blog post or email campaign to your list.
  • Use social media to promote your article. Repost from CANDJ’s social feed or share to your own stories and/or reels.
  • Mention your article to colleagues and speakers at conferences.
  • Present your research at conferences or through a research poster.
  • Create a video abstract to post to social media.
  • Link to your article on the CANDJ platform from your website, blog, or social media links.

Check out this article for more ideas:

What We Will Do At CANDJ

  • Tag authors on posts/stories on our social channels
  • Promote new issues through CAND’s e-newsletter
  • Highlight specific articles in alignment with health promotion days/months
  • Publicize articles of public interest on our Editor Selections page
  • Work to increase our audience at North American integrative medicine and CAM research conferences
  • Encourage institutional subscriptions at naturopathic and integrative medicine institutions